09 April, 2014

Setting up TLS tunnel between Cisco XNC Controller (TLS client) and onePK router (TLS server)

Generate new self-signed certificate and a private key in Ubuntu (XNC host):
openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout xnc-private.pem -out xnc-cert.pem -days 3650

Combine xnc-private.pem and xnc-cert.pem into one:
cat xnc-privkey.pem xnc-cert.pem > xnc.pem

Convert xnc.pem to pkcs12:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out xnc.p12 -in xnc.pem

Generate password-protected Java keystore of xnc.p12:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore xnc.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore tlsKeyStore -deststoretype jks

Export router's certificate to XNC Controller.
c891(config)#crypto pki export c891 pem terminal

Generate password-protected Java truststore of sw-cacert.pem:
keytool -import -alias swca1 -file sw-cacert.pem -keystore tlsTrustStore

Start XNC script:
./runxnc.sh -start 8022 -tls -tlskeystore tlsKeyStore -tlstruststore tlsTrustStore

Configure the passwords for router, keystore and truststore with:
bin/./configkeystorepwd.sh so that the XNC can decrypt the encrypted truststore/keystore.

The router's (TLS client) default self-signed certificate (might look something like IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-2124668178) is not suitable for establishing a working TLS tunnel with the XNC controller (TLS server).

If debugging the XNC script with
./runxnc.sh -start 8022 -tls -tlskeystore tlsKeyStore -tlstruststore tlsTrustStore -console -debug
and adding a onePK client you might be given an error by the script:
No subject alternative names matching IP address

Solution was to delete the factory IOS self-signed certificate and generate a new one with the subject alternative name matching the router's IP. 
Sample trustpoint configuration:
crypto pki trustpoint c891
 enrollment selfsigned
 subject-name cn=c891
 revocation-check none
 rsakeypair c891keys

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